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The name ※required
Example) Taro Yamada
Furigana ※required
Example) Yamada Taro
The date of birth ※required
/ /   
Zip code
Example) 012-3456
The metropolis and districts
Address, name
Phone number
Example) 012-345-6789 ※A cell-phone is possible
FAX number
Example) 012-345-6789
E-mail address ※required

※I reinput it for confirmation
Opinion, request
General corporate judicial person Kanoya-shi tourist association
3-11-1, Nishihara, Kanoya-shi, Kagoshima
TEL. 0994-41-7010
FAX. 0994-41-6000

1.Spread of sightseeing, tourism thought and consciousness improvement
2.The development spread of special products and sales promotion
3.Sightseeing product promotion tameno intelligence and dispatch

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